Dispute Resolution Management
Tax disputes bring significant uncertainties to the businesses. Need for innovative business transactions coupled with increasing complexities in the domestic and international taxation system, makes it critical to manage the tax dispute proficiently. These disputes not only entail significant costs but also bring along reputational risks for organizations.
Increasing use of technology for information sharing and faceless assessments along with introduction of several alternate dispute resolution mechanisms such as Advance rulings, Mutual Acceptance Procedures (MAP), Settlement Commission, Advance Pricing Agreements (APA) have transformed the way litigation is managed. The faceless assessment is aimed at bringing efficiency, transparency and accountability in the proceedings. We provide the right technical finesse, in-depth research and expertise required to present meritorious submissions across various forums. Advancement of alternate dispute resolution mechanisms help businesses build desired certainty and reduce the risk from tax disputes to a large extent.

Our key service offering
Our team specializes in strategizing and providing the right approach for resolving complex tax controversies. Our team has dealt with some of the most controversial tax issues in traditional as well as the new ways of managing litigation such as APA, Advance ruling, etc.